At Thotslife, we love helping people live their best lives through better health and wellness. We’re looking for guest writers to share tips and stories about lifestyle, retreats, healthy living, self-care, and personal growth. Whether it’s about eating right, staying active, finding peace through meditation, or turning your home into a wellness haven, we welcome a wide range of topics. Your insights could help inspire healthy habits and make a real difference in someone’s life. Please share your experiences and advice to help others on their wellness journey.

About Thotslife Why We Are Accepting Lifestyle Content From Guest Writers

Thotslife is a holistic wellness retreat dedicated to helping people find inner peace, gain a deeper understanding of their overall health and view on life, and experience lasting positive impacts on their body, mind, and spirit. We offer several types of wellness retreats; our retreats span a range of focus areas and modalities, including:

But our mission extends far beyond the in-person retreat experience. We believe that true wellness is a lifelong journey – which is why we’re committed to providing ongoing support and resources to our community through our blog and other digital content.

By contributing a guest post, you have the opportunity to be part of this mission and positively impact the lives of thousands of wellness seekers around the globe. If that sounds exciting to you, read on to learn what we look for in guest submissions and how to get started!

What We Look For: Lifestyle, Retreats & Self-Care Topics

We accept guest post submissions on a broad range of topics related to holistic wellness, healthy lifestyle, transformative retreat experiences, and self-care practices. This includes, but is not limited to:

Lifestyle & Wellness

  • Nutrition and healthy eating
  • Fitness and movement practices
  • Mindfulness and meditation
  • Stress management techniques
  • Healthy habits and routines
  • Green and eco-friendly living
  • Non-toxic beauty and personal care
  • Home environment and wellness design
  • Wellness technology and apps
  • Balancing work, family, and self-care
  • Wellness for specific populations (e.g., seniors, new moms, etc.)

Retreats & Immersive Experiences

  • Personal stories/transformations from wellness retreats
  • Guides to different types of retreats
  • What to expect at a wellness retreat
  • Packing tips and preparation for retreats
  • Integrating retreat insights into daily life
  • Wellness travel destinations and reviews
  • Creating retreat-like experiences at home
  • The science and psychology behind retreats

Self-Care & Personal Growth

  • Self-care routines and rituals
  • DIY self-care recipes and tutorials
  • Self-love and body image healing
  • Boundary-setting and saying no
  • Overcoming people-pleasing tendencies
  • Journaling and self-reflection practices
  • Manifestation and intention-setting
  • Developing intuition and self-trust
  • Shadow work and integrating your whole self
  • Spirituality and connecting to your inner wisdom
  • Cultivating self-compassion and kindness

We’re especially interested in fresh, unique angles and personal stories that illustrate the power of wellness practices to transform lives. Aim to go beyond generic tips or listicles – think about what deeper wisdom and “aha” moments you can share from your journey that will resonate with readers.

Some specific post ideas we’d love to see:

These are just a few thought-starters – feel free to get creative and pitch us your unique ideas! The key is to provide real value and actionable insights that our readers can use to enhance their own wellness and self-care practices.

Content Guidelines & Submission Requirements

To be considered for publication on the Thotslife blog, your guest post must meet the following criteria:

  • Original content not published anywhere else online, including your blog/website
  • Minimum 1000 words in length (1500-2000 words is ideal)
  • Well-written, well-researched, and factually accurate
  • Aligned with Thotslife’s mission and values
  • Inclusive, compassionate, and non-judgmental tone
  • Free of promotional content, affiliate links, or self-serving links back to your site
  • Written in English with US spelling and grammar.

Please include the following items with your submission:

  • Suggested headline for your post
  • 2-3 sentence author bio
  • Headshot or avatar image
  • Optional: Links to your website and social media profiles

Formatting & Style Guidelines:

  • Write in a conversational, relatable tone – as if you’re sharing advice with a good friend
  • Use the first person (“I” or “me”) when sharing personal stories and experiences
  • Break up the text with short paragraphs, subheadings, lists, or other formatting
  • Include specific, real-life examples to illustrate your points
  • Feel free to suggest relevant images, graphics, or video content to accompany your post (optional)
  • If citing others’ work or ideas, please include proper attribution and links to sources

How to Submit Your Guest Post

To submit your completed guest post for consideration, please email the following to with the subject line “GUEST POST SUBMISSION: [Your Post Title]”:

  1. Your full guest post as a Google Doc or Word file
  2. Your author bio and headshot
  3. Any relevant images for your post (optional)

Our editorial team reviews all submissions and will get back to you within 3 days to let you know if your post has been accepted or rejected or if we would like to see any changes before publishing.

If your post is accepted, we reserve the right to edit it for grammar, formatting, length, and clarity. We may also change the title or add/remove subheadings as needed. However, we will always preserve the integrity of your original message and voice – and of course, we’ll notify you of any major changes for your approval before publishing.

Tips for a Successful Guest Post

Want to increase your chances of having your post accepted and making a real impact on Thotslife readers? Follow these tips:

  1. Please familiarize yourself with our blog and audience. Take some time to read through existing posts on Thotslife to get a feel for the type of content we publish, our brand voice and style, and what seems to resonate with our readers. This will help you brainstorm ideas and tailor your writing.
  2. Choose a focused, specific topic. The more specific your post topic, the more helpful it is for readers. For example, instead of a generic post on “self-care tips,” zoom in on something more specific like “5 Self-Care Practices for Empaths” or “How to Create a Soothing Bedtime Ritual.
  3. Share your unique perspective and experiences. Your personal story and hard-earned insights are what will make your post stand out and connect with readers. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and share the struggles, breakthroughs, and “aha” moments from your wellness journey.
  4. Provide practical, actionable advice. While personal stories are great, be sure also to provide plenty of concrete tips, strategies, and practices that readers can try out themselves. Break these down into clear, specific steps so readers know exactly how to implement them.
  5. Write an attention-grabbing headline. Your headline is often the determining factor in whether someone will click through to read your post – so make it count! Aim for a headline that is clear, specific, and enticing, hinting at the value readers will get from your post.
  6. Make your writing skimmable. Most online readers will look at an article before committing to reading the whole thing. Make it easy for them by breaking up your text with plenty of subheadings, short paragraphs, lists, and other formatting. Use bold text or bullet points to call out key information.
  7. Include external links and research to back up your points. Linking to authoritative external sources and research helps boost your post’s credibility, SEO value, and usefulness to readers. Just be sure you’re linking to reputable sources and not overloading your post with too many links.
  8. Optimize your post for search engines (SEO). Help readers find your valuable content by spotting relevant keywords throughout your post. Aim to include your main keyword in the title, subheadings, and first paragraph – but avoid “keyword stuffing” or sacrificing readability.
  9. Craft a compelling meta description. The meta description is the short text blurb that appears under your post’s title in search engine results. Write a compelling, keyword-rich description that clearly conveys what readers will get from your post and entices them to click through.
  10. Proofread and edit before submitting. Be sure to carefully proofread your post for spelling, grammar, and clarity before sending it our way. Even better, set it aside for a day and come back to it with fresh eyes, or ask a friend to give it a read and offer feedback.

By following these guidelines and tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a standout guest post that provides real value to Thotslife readers and advances our mission of spreading holistic wellness.

What’s In It for You

Contributing a guest post to Thotslife isn’t just about helping our audience – it’s also an opportunity for you to grow as a wellness leader and expand your reach and impact. Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect from guest posting with us:

  • Expand your reach and influence. By tapping into Thotslife’s engaged audience of wellness enthusiasts, you’ll get your message in front of thousands of new readers who are actively seeking the kind of wisdom and expertise you have to offer.
  • Boost your credibility and authority. Being featured on a well-known and respected platform like Thotslife instantly positions you as a trusted expert in your field. You can leverage this credibility in your own marketing and outreach efforts.
  • Drive traffic back to your website or blog. While we don’t allow promotional links within the body of your post, you can include a link back to your website in your author bio. This can help drive qualified, interested traffic to your online presence.
  • Grow your social media following. We always tag and credit our guest authors when sharing their posts across our social media channels. This exposure can help you attract new followers who resonate with your message and want to learn more from you.
  • Build valuable relationships and open up new opportunities. Connecting with the Thotslife team and community can open the door to exciting new collaborations, partnerships, or even speaking or teaching opportunities. You never know where a single guest post might lead!
  • Sharpen your writing skills and clarify your messaging. The process of writing a guest post is a valuable exercise in distilling your ideas, expertise, and unique voice. It’s an opportunity to search more seriously into your perspective and practice communicating it in a clear, compelling way.
  • Create change and join something greater. Perhaps most importantly, contributing to Thotslife allows you to be part of a mission and movement that is changing lives for the better. Your words have the power to spark “aha” moments, shift perspectives, and empower readers to take charge of their well-being. That’s a special opportunity that not every writing outlet can offer!

We’re truly grateful for the time, energy, and wisdom that our guest authors run into creating valuable content for the Thotslife community. We see it as a true partnership and an opportunity to support and promote one another in our shared mission. If this sounds like something you’d love to be a part of, we encourage you to reach out and start a conversation!

General Inquiries

Still have questions about submitting a guest post to Thotslife? Here are answers to some of the most common queries we receive:

Q: What if I’m not sure my topic idea is a good fit?

  • A: If you’re not sure whether your topic would resonate with the Thotslife audience, feel free to send us a brief pitch or outline before writing out the full post. We’re happy to provide guidance and let you know if we think it’s a good direction to pursue.

Q: How soon can I expect a response to my submission?

  • A: We aim to respond to all guest post submissions within 3 days. If you don’t hear back from us within that timeframe, feel free to follow up and make sure we received your email.

Q: What happens if my post is accepted?

  • A: If your post is accepted, we’ll let you know of any changes or edits we’d like you to make before it goes live. Once you’ve made those updates, send the revised version back to us, and we’ll take it from there! We’ll let you know the target publish date and send you a link to the live post once it’s up.

Q: Can I republish my guest post on my blog or website?

  • A: To avoid duplicate content issues that could hurt SEO for both of us, we ask that you not republish the entire post verbatim on your site. However, you’re welcome to publish an excerpt (up to 200 words) with a link back to the full post on Thotslife. You can also share a link to the post across your social media and other channels.

Q: What if my submission is rejected? Can I submit a revised version?

  • A: If we decide not to move forward with your guest post submission, we’ll let you know the main reasons behind that decision. You’re welcome to take that feedback and submit a revised version for consideration. However, please note that a rejection doesn’t necessarily mean we wouldn’t be open to a different topic or idea from you in the future – sometimes, it’s just a matter of finding the right fit!

If you have any other questions that weren’t addressed here, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at We’re always happy to chat with potential guest authors and help bring powerful stories and insights to the Thotslife community!

Share Your Voice and Inspire Others

If you’ve made it this far, you’re probably feeling pretty energized and inspired to contribute your voice to Thotslife – and we couldn’t be more excited to receive your submission!

Just to recap, here are the key things to remember as you put together your guest post:

  • Choose a topic related to holistic wellness, retreats, or self-care that you’re truly passionate about and have unique insight into
  • Share your personal experiences, stories, and perspectives to create a post that is relatable, actionable, and has the power to create a true shift for the reader.
  • Format your post for readability with subheadings, short paragraphs, lists, etc., and aim for 1000-2000 words.
  • Include an author bio, headshot, and relevant links along with your submission.
  • Proofread carefully and show your best work — you get one chance to impress!
  • Email your completed post, bio, and headshot to with the subject line “GUEST POST SUBMISSION: [Your Headline].”
  • Be open to feedback and revision requests from our editorial team – we’re committed to maintaining the highest quality standards for our blog, and your flexibility is appreciated!
  • Get ready to make a meaningful difference and connect with an amazing community of fellow wellness warriors!

Contact Us

ADDRESS: 2929 N High St Columbus OH 43202

PHONE: 330.876.6687


We truly can’t wait to read your submission and explore how we can collaborate to spread more health, joy, and transformation in the world. Your story matters, and there’s someone out there who needs to read it.

Thank you for being part of the Thotslife mission and movement. Together, we’re creating a wave effect of positive change that extends far beyond ourselves.